The University of Liverpool Nuclear Physics Group


The Nuclear Physics group has an outstanding record for experimental research into the structure of nuclei, especially in spectroscopic studies of deformed nuclei and of nuclei far from stability. Its future research activities will include theuse of radioactive beam facilities when they come on-line throughout the world.

The Liverpool group also plays a leading role in the development of new instrumentation, an example being the EUROBALL gamma-ray spectrometer. It is currently engaged in major EPSRC and EU-funded projects such as the segmented clover gamma-ray array EXOGAM, which will be used for investigations of exotic nuclei via gamma-ray spectroscopy at the new radioactive ion beam facility SPIRAL at GANIL in Caen, (France) and the GREAT implantation-decay detection system, designed to measure all radiation emitted from nuclei, e.g. beta and alpha particles, protons, electrons, X and gamma-rays, after implantation at the focal plane of an electromagnetic separator such as RITU at the University of Jyväskylä (Finland).


maintained by Marielle Chartier

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