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The current handler supports the basic Taper, Clover and Cluster Ge+BGO formats.

MTsort at Euroball (Presumably of historical interest only)

Config file definitions

There is a default config file provided with the distribution. This should be modified in the InputHandler->Config window as required.

Note the family numbers and Number of ADCS in each family are critical parameters.
The MaxDetectors field should be large enough to cope with all the detectors of that family type.
The group allocation should be unique. The MaxDetectors value should be added to the base group number, to find the next available group number to allocate to another detector family.

If additional detector families appear, then add the definition to the config file and try it.

The badevents statistic in the sort run window is a good indicator of an incorrect config file.
Setting the input handler debug level to at least "minimal" will print out details of the point where event format decoding fails. The previous family details are printed out. Usually this family has the wrong number of parameters defined for it.
The statistic should go to zero when the correct config file is applied.

Format definitions

The Taper Ge and BGO detectors are output in one of two forms ...
If the orignal data was "Format Zero" then Ge and BGO are output together as N-parameter groups,
where the number of words in the following list is dependent on the neo subdetector definition ...

Taper[0:35] (e20, e4, ft, co, bgo_e, bgo_t, pattern)

If the orignal data was "Format Two" then Ge and BGO are output separate N-parameter groups as follows ...

Taper[0:35] (e20, e4, ft, co)
TaperBGO[80:115] (bgo_e, bgo_t, pattern)

The Clover Ge and BGO detectors are output as separate N-parameter groups as follows ...

ClovGe[36:61] (e20, e4, ft, co)
ClovBGO[116:141] (bgo_e, bgo_t, pattern)

The Cluster Ge and BGO detectors are output as separate N-parameter groups as follows ...

ClustGe[62:76] (e20, e4, ft)
ClustBGO[142:156] (bgo_e, bgo_t, pattern_msh, patten_lsh)

The inner ball detectors are output as separate N-parameter groups as follows ...

BallRaw[157:168] (energy,pattern,tac) BallSum[169] (energy,mult)

The trigger is output as a separate 8-parameter group as follows ...

Trigger[255] (bus1mult,bus2mult,bus3mult,bus4mult,tac,pattern,LSB,MSB)

Auxillary FERA detector parameters must be suitably defined in hardware to be N detectors, each with M parameters to satisy the format as follows ...

FERA[170:249] (param1, param2, ... paramM) where N=249-112+1

If more detector numbers are required and some of the other detectors are not required (e.g. BGO), then it is possible to re-arrange the group numbering scheme.

Further information may be obtained from the Euroball Event-by-Event Data Output Format Document EDOC312 (dvi)

EuroballTapeMixed Handler

There are two tape formats available (ANSI and raw). The standard EuroballTape handler assumes ANSI format. We have received tapes from one experimental run that had a mixture of the two formats. This handler accepts this by treating the whole tape as one file. This means that there should be only one entry per tape in the *RUNFILES section.
Maintained by Janet Sampson and John Cresswell (University of Liverpool)
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