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The Event Search window consists mainly of a canvas for displaying the tree-like node structure that describes the connectivity of sub-event clusters into whole events.

The canvas window may be re-sized as necessary. If the setup becomes too big for the window, then scroll bars appear. Also, dragging the mouse cursor over the window with the middle button depressed, will cause the image to move accordingly.

A new independent node may be added by pressing the right mouse button over the canvas.

Pressing the right mouse button on an existing node icon, will bring up a menu with several options. By this mechanism, nodes can be added, moved, removed, and actions activated.

Each node coloured blue is a detector node. These are connected to other detector nodes by a blue line. Each node apart from the first one has a Delay and Width defined.

The Delay is the time difference from the previous node.
The Width is the time interval during which parameters for the current node are collected.

The line of detector nodes defines an event.

Event Search Output Modes

By right-button click on a node icon, the AddOutput action can be added. All event search output modes are activated by defining a channel number in the action box. This is associated with one of the output definitions in the I/O Control window labelled Output Channel[1-4].

An output action connected to the last detector node in the chain enables the option of outputting events. The output data format can be chosen in the Output action box (TDR or Eurogam).

All other modes output clusters filtered by satisfying the detector timing relationships and detector-specific validation criteria, up to the point the output action is attached.

Maintained by Janet Sampson and John Cresswell (University of Liverpool)
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