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Gain matching can optionally be applied to all, or a group of, parameters.

Gain parameters can be viewed and modified by clicking on the Gain matching button in the Cluster Setup window, having already selected a Cluster from the cluster list to the left.
The parameter file is read on every entry to the window.
The file is only altered if the Save current Setup button is clicked.

The parameters may be generated and altered externally by creating/editing the disc file.
If a file named "gains" is found in the setup directory, then each line of the file is assumed to be gain matching coefficients for one parameter.

If no file is found, or a parameter label is not defined, then no gain matching will be applied.

Each line of the file must contain 4 values in free format ...
where A,B,C are floating-point coefficients of the function ... A + B*x + C*x*x


398    0.0  1.0  0.0
415    0..15  1.10  0.00032

Gain matching is applied in the cluster stage.
Hence if data is output from the RawData or PreFiltering stages, then no gain matching will have been applied.

Maintained by Janet Sampson and John Cresswell (University of Liverpool)
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