Specimen Experiments

Summary of all specimen experiments

Specimen experiments and apparatus selected for further study


Individual Specimen Experiments

Super-allowed beta decay and the weak-interaction standard model

Correlation measurements in nuclear beta decay to search for physics beyond the standard model

In-beam spectroscopy of heavy elements

Synthesis and decay of the heaviest elements

Optical spectroscopy of the heaviest elements

Neutron capture cross sections of radioactive nuclei

The r-process path between the N=50 and N=82 shells

Ground-state two-proton radioactivity

Beta-delayed two-neutron emission

Structure beyond the neutron drip line : 26-28O

Mass of 78Ni ground state

Magnetic moments of isomers in the 78Ni region

Charge radius of 78Ni

44Ti Abundance as a Probe of Nucleosynthesis in Core Collapse Supernovae

One or two neutron or well defined cluster (like alpha-particle) breakup

Isospin Dependence of Correlations

Systematics of Isoscalar Giant Resonances in Exotic Nuclei

Mapping of Single Particle Energies using Transfer Reactions

The density dependence of the symmetry energy

Neutron-proton effective mass splitting

Isospin dependent phase transition

Isospin fractionation and isoscaling

Fundamental tests with low energy beta-beams

Nuclear structure studies with low energy beta-beams

In-source laser spectroscopy and production of isomeric beams