Talks and Lectures
Invited Talks at Conferences and Workshops
"Direct evidence for Coulomb fission of 238U with 284W
projectiles", Gordon Conference on Nuclear Chemistry, New London, New
Hampshire, June 1979
"Recent experimental results in the actinides", IOP Nuclear
Structure Conference, University of Bradford, Bradford, April 1984
"The application of semiconductor detectors in nuclear structure
physics", Third International Symposium on Radiation Physics, Ferrara, September
"Study of alpha decay in the actinides", Conference on Nuclear
Structure, Reactions and Symmetries, Dubrovnik, June 1986
"New results on octupole correlations near Z = 90", Gordon
Conference on Nuclear Chemistry, New London, New Hampshire, June 1989
"Studies of octupole nuclei using HITR and COULEX reactions",
Symposium on Nuclear Physics with Large Arrays, NBI, Copenhagen, November 1989
"Recent spectroscopy in octupole lanthanide and actinide
nuclei"; International Conference on High Spin Physics and Gamma-Soft
Nuclei; Pittsburgh, September 1990
"Nuclei with reflection asymmetric shapes"; APS Spring
Meeting, Washington, April 1991
"E1 transitions in nuclei with octupole correlations"; ERC
Research Conference on Nuclear Shapes, Lake Balaton, September 1991
"Heavy ion induced transfer reactions: Past accomplishments and future
prospects"; Symposium on Reflections and Directions in Low Energy
Heavy-Ion Physics, Oak Ridge, October 1991
"Coulomb Excitation of Octupole Nuclei"; American Chemical
Society Divisional Meeting, Washington, August 1992
"In-Beam Electron Spectroscopy: Solenoids and SACRED";
Midsummer Workshop, Jyväskylä, June 1993
"Octupole Spectroscopy: The Final Frontier"; International
Conference on Nuclear Physics, Crete, June 1993
"Octupole Correlations in heavy nuclei" and "Prospects
for electron spectroscopy"; N + N meeting, Konnevesi,
January 1995
"E1 Excitations: experimental overview and problems"; Workshop
on spin and isospin excitations, Trento, April 1995
"Electron Spectroscopy in a hostile environment"; Spiral
Workshop on spectroscopy with radioactive beams, Caen, March 1996
"Second well spectroscopy in fissionable nuclei”; Workshop in
nuclear fission, Biarritz, May 1996
"Spectroscopy in heavy nuclei far from stability"; Midsummer
workshop in nuclear physics, Jyväskylä, June 1996
"New Vistas of Exotic Heavy Nuclei"; XXXI Zakopane School of
Physics, Zakopane, September 1996
"New Developments in Conversion Electron Spectroscopy";
Workshop on Spectroscopy of CE with stable and radioactive beams, Saclay, March 1997
"Gamma and electron spectroscopy for nuclei with A>220";
Workshop of the Physics using Compound Nucleus Separators, Berkeley, April 1997
"Nuclear Pears: Recent Developments and Future Prospects";
International Symposium on Exotic Nuclear Shapes, Debrecen, May 1997
"New Probes of the Structure of Heavy Nuclei"; Gordon Research
Conference, New London, New Hampshire, June 1997
"Physics with PIAFE: High Spin States"; Workshop on PIAFE
radioactive beam proposal, Grenoble, June 1997
"Intrinsic Reflection Asymmetry in Nuclei" XXV Mazurian Lakes School of Physics - Symmetries in Micro and
Macro-Worlds, Piaski, August 1997
"Pear-shaped nuclei in the radium playground", International
Conference on Nuclear Physics Close to the Barrier, Warsaw, June-July 1998
"Overview of actinide physics", Workshop on Physics with RIB
using EXOGAM at SPIRAL, Caen, October 1998
“Spectroscopy of heavy nuclei: pear shapes and superheavies”,
Annual Congress of the Institute of Physics, Salford, April 1999
“GREAT – a Spectrometer for Exotic Nuclei Spectroscopy”, Gordon Research
Conference, New London, New Hampshire, June 1999
“Heavy Nuclei Studies using Transfer Reactions”, 2nd International
Conference on Fission and Neutron-rich Nuclei, St. Andrews, June-July 1999
“Octupole Shapes”, “International Conference on Achievements and
Perspectives in Nuclear Structure, Crete, July 1999
“New Developments in Electron and
Recoil Decay Spectroscopy for Studies of Exotic and Heavy Nuclei”, NATO
Advanced Research Workshop and Mazurian Lakes School
of Physics, Krzyze, September 1999
“The SACRED electron spectrometer”, Autumn Workshop and Users Meeting,
Jyväskylä, Finland, October 1999
“Detectors for Coulomb Barrier Experiments”, International Conference
RNB2000, Divonne, April 2000
“Towards In-Beam Spectroscopy of the Heaviest Elements”, XXXV Zakopane
School of Physics, Zakopane, September 2000
“Recent developments in decay tagging methods”, EXOTAG workshop on
particle ID, CERN, September 2000
“Spectroscopy of Heavy Nuclei”, Workshop on Physics with Euroball Detectors, GSI, Darmstadt, November 2000
“The Structure of Heavy Octupole and
Superheavy Quadrupole Deformed Nuclei”, International Conference on High Spin
Physics, Warsaw, February 2001
“Electron Spectroscopy of the Heaviest Elements”, EXOTAG workshop on
Electron Spectroscopy, Jyväskylä, February, 2001
“Towards the Structure of the Heaviest Elements”, North
West Europe Conference on Nuclear Physics, Bergen, April 2001
“Towards the Structure of the Heaviest Elements”, 7th International
Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Maiori, May 2001
“Towards the Structure of the Heaviest Elements”, Advanced Research
Workshop on The Nuclear Many-Body Problem 2001, Brijuni,
June 2001
“Spectroscopy of Very Heavy Nuclei”, Workshop on the Future of Nuclear
Structure and Gamma Spectroscopy with Stable Beams, Strasbourg, June 2001
“Towards Understanding the Structure of the Heaviest Nuclei”, Yale
Workshop, New Haven, June 2001
“Towards the Structure of the heaviest nuclei”, Mazurian
School of Physics: Growth Points of Nuclear Physics, Krzyze,
September 2001
“Spectroscopic studies of transfermium
elements”, GANIL Colloque, Belgedere, September 2001
“High K bands in mid-supershell nuclei” XXXVI
Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane, September 2002
“Experiments with SACRED and future developments”, Workshop on Future
In-beam Conversion Electron Spectroscopy, Bonn, January 2003
“ISOLDE and REX-ISOLDE”, NuPECC Town Meeting,
Darmstadt, January 2003
“Physics with accelerated beams at ISOLDE”, 10th Nordic Meeting on
Nuclear Physics in Oslo, May 2003
“Physics prospects from accelerated radioactive ions at CERN”, VIII
International Conference on Nucleus Nucleus
Collisions, Moscow, June 2003
“Physics prospects from accelerated radioactive ions
at CERN”, XXVIII Mazurian Lakes Conference on
Physics, Krzyze, September 2003
"Finding the needle in the haystack: developments in
spectroscopy of rare nuclei at Jyväskylä" Anniversary Symposium to
celebrate cyclotron physics at Jyväskylä, May 2004
“Through the looking glass: probing the nucleus using accelerated
radioactive beams”, International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC2004, Göteborg, July 2004
“Experimental Challenges for Studying Needles in a Haystack”,
XXXIX Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane, September 2004
“EURISOL: the European Facility for High Intensity Radioactive
Beams”, Trento Workshop on Exploring the Impact of New Neutrino Beams, Trento,
October 2004
"The ISOLDE research programme and the path to EURISOL”,
Structure and Reactions of Exotic Nuclei, Pisa, February 2005
Challenges for Studying Nuclei with Z > 100”, International Workshop on
Neutron-Rich Radioactive Nuclei – Physics with MAFF, Kloster-Banz, March-April
“Research at ISOLDE and the path to EURISOL”, Carpathian Summer
School of Physics, Mamaia-Constanta, June 2005
“Recent Developments at REX-ISOLDE: the path to EURISOL”, Gordon
Research Conference on Nuclear Chemistry, New London, New Hampshire, June 2005
Structure from accelerated ISOL beams: the European perspective”, NSCL User Workshop, Michigan
State University, East Lansing, May 2006
“The shape of Se-70
from Coulex", ECT* workshop on gamma-ray spectroscopy in Europe, Trento,
May 2006
“The First Steps to Eurisol”, XXXX
Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane, September 2006
“Accelerated Radioactive Beams in Europe: The
Path to EURISOL”, Norwegian
Physical Society Subatomic & Astrophysics meeting, Oslo, January 2007
“The ISOLDE research
programme”, University of Jyväskylä Accelerator Laboratory Users Meeting,
Jyväskylä, February 2007
“Probing the collective properties of exotic
nuclei with REX-ISOLDE”, Gordon Research Conference on Nuclear Chemistry, New London, New
Hampshire, June 2007
“Probing nuclear shapes using
low energy radioactive beams”, Carnegie Conference on Nuclear Structure at the
Extremes, Paisley, May 2008
“Probing nuclear shapes using
low energy radioactive beams", Conference on Nuclear Physics and
Astrophysics: From Stable Beams to Exotic Nuclei, Cappadocia, June 2008
“Future Physics at EURISOL”,
EURISOL Town Meeting, Pisa, March-April 2009
“Summary: Physics
Opportunities for ISOLDE and n_TOF”, Workshop on New
Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN, CERN, Geneva, May 2009
“Probing nuclear shapes using
low energy radioactive beams”, GANIL Colloque, Giens,
September 2009
“Other ISOL Facilities”, HRIBF Users
Workshop - Upgrade for the FRIB Era, Oak Ridge, November 2009
“Probing nuclei at the edge of stability”,
Finnish Physical Society “Physics Days”, Jyväskylä, March 2010
Long Range Plan meeting, Madrid, May 2010
"A celebration of 20 years of
fruitful collaboration”, JYFL Accelerator Laboratory Users Meeting, Jyväskylä,
March 2012
"What can we learn about the shapes
of heavy nuclei from Coulex of radioactive beams?", EURORIB12, Abano Terme,
Padova, May 2012
"Recent results from REX-ISOLDE and
future prospects with HIE-ISOLDE", Nuclear Structure 2012, Argonne
National Laboratory, August 2012
nuclei go pear-shaped?”, IoP Nuclear Physics Group
Conference, York, April 2013
"Pear-shaped nuclei: nuclear models & the Standard Model", XXXIII Mazurian Lakes
Conference on Physics, Piaski, September 2013
“Pear-shaped nuclei”, ISOLDE workshop, CERN, November
“Pear-shaped nuclei”, Workshop on Nuclear Structure in
Bormio, Bormio, February 2014
“Studies of the shapes of heavy pear-shaped nuclei at
ISOLDE”, ARIS 2014, Tokyo, June 2014
“Atomic nuclei going pear-shaped”, Turkish Physical
Society 31st International Physics Congress, Bodrum, July 2014
“Studies of the Shapes of Heavy Nuclei at ISOLDE”,
NUBA Conference: Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, Antalya, September 2014
“Studies of the Shapes of
Heavy Nuclei at ISOLDE”, SCRIBE-2014 Workshop on Science with Rare Ion Beams,
Kolkata, November 2014
“ISOLDE: the Anglo-Saxon Era
2002-2005”, ISOLDE workshop, CERN, December 2014
“TSR – a storage ring for HIE-ISOLDE”, Conference on
Electromagnetic Isotopic Separators & Related Topics, EMIS-2015, Grand
Rapids, May 2015
“TSR – a storage ring for HIE-ISOLDE”, XXXIV Mazurian
Lakes Conference on Physics, Piaski, September 2015
“Studies of the Shapes of Heavy Pear-Shaped Nuclei at ISOLDE”,
11th Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications (XI-LASNPA),
Medellín, November 2015
“Heavy Pear-Shaped
Nuclei”, Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Cape
Town, July 2016
“Pear-shaped nuclei and CP-violation”, SPES-NUSPRASEN Workshop,
Pisa, February 2018
Excitation of Pear-shaped Nuclei”, Nuclear Structure and Dynamics 2019, Venice,
May 2019
“Pear-shaped Nuclei”, IX Tastes of Nuclear Physics (International
Conference on Concepts & Issues in Fundamental & Applied Nuclear
Physics), University of Zululand, Richards Bay, September-October 2019
“Studies of Heavy
Pear-Shaped Nuclei at ISOLDE”, X Tastes of Nuclear Physics, (virtual), November-December
“Studies of Heavy Pear-Shaped Nuclei”, 13th International Spring
Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, May 2022
“Studies of Pear-Shaped Nuclei”, 10th International workshop on
Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei and Many-Body Systems, Dubrovnik, July 2022
“Studies of Pear-Shaped
Nuclei”, International Workshop
"Shapes and Dynamics of Atomic Nuclei: Contemporary Aspects"
(SDANCA-23), Sofia, September 2023
“Coulomb excitation studies of heavy octupole deformed nuclei”, Workshop on The Quest for Heavy Element Research, Leuven, November 2024
Invited Lectures at Schools
"γ-ray spectroscopy", National Postgraduate School, York,
September 1987
"Information on octupole correlations in nuclei from gamma-ray
spectroscopy", XXth International Summer School
on Nuclear Physics, Mikołajki, September 1988
"Spectroscopy tools of the nineties: EUROGAM, SUSAN and the
RBF"; International School on Nuclear Physics, Mikołajki,
August 1990
"Octupole Collectivity in Nuclei Deduced from Coulomb Excitation
Measurements”; XXII Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane, September 1992
"Heavy Ion Transfer Studies Using Detector Arrays"; 23rd
International Summer School on Nuclear Physics, Piaski,
August 1993
"Summary Lecture"; XXIX International School on Nuclear
Physics, Zakopane, September 1994
"Recent Developments in Nuclear Spectroscopy"; 5th
International Summer School, Jyväskylä, August 1995
"Gamma and Electron Spectroscopy of Heavy Nuclei"; XII
International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy,
Varna, September 1995
"Gamma-ray spectroscopy"; EPSRC National Postgraduate School,
Nottingham, September 1997
"Distinctive Features for Nuclear Pear Shapes", International
Summer School, Predeal, August 1998
“Spectroscopy of Heavy Nuclei: Pear Shapes and Superheavies”,
Nuclear and Particle Physics School, The Entrance, New South Wales, February
“Spectroscopy of Very heavy Nuclei”, 3rd International Balkan School, Thessalonika, September 2002
"At the Frontier of Nuclear Stability", 6th Nordic Summer
School in Nuclear Physics, Hillerød, August 2005
“ISOL techniques to reach radioactive nuclei - from birth to EURISOL”,
International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" - Course CLXXVIII
(From the Big Bang to the nucleosynthesis), Varenna,
July 2010
“The Development of ISOL Beams for Coulomb Excitation Studies”, 7th
International Balkan School on Nuclear Physics, Adrasan, September 2010
“Nuclear Structure Studies with RIB”, Center for
Nuclear Study Summer School - CNSSS18, RIKEN, Tokyo, August 2018
Colloquia and Contributed Talks
"Nuclear properties deduced from γ-ray studies in heavy-ion
reactions", IoP Nuclear Interactions Group, University
of Surrey, Guildford, March 1978
"The application of hybrid gas counter systems to exotic gamma ray
spectroscopy", Workshop on in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy with heavy ion
accelerators, Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, January 1980
"Polarisation measurements with a sectored Ge(li) detector",
Workshop on in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy with heavy ion accelerators,
Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, January 1980
"Study of extreme states of nuclei using an EN Tandem Van de
Graaff", Department of Physics, University of Manchester, Manchester, February
"Coulomb fission", Michigan State University, East Lansing, September
"Fission induced by grazing collisions of very slow and very heavy
nuclei", Nuclear Physics Division, AERA, Harwell, October 1980
"Coulomb fission, high-spin states in light nuclei, and the back
decay of 236U", Oak Ridge National laboratory, Oak Ridge, September
"Transfer reactions with Daresbury beams", Manchester
University, October 1980
"Nuclear Fission and the Electromagnetic Interaction", School
of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, December
"Coulomb fission", Bradford University, December 1980
"Preliminary results on 226-xTh from gas counter recoil
spectroscopy", Workshop on Nuclei at high spin, Niels Bohr Institute,
Risø, Denmark, May 1982
"Gamma-ray spectroscopy of actinide nuclei", Nuclear Physics
Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford, February 1984
"Reflection Symmetry and Asymmetry in Actinide Nuclei",
University of Munich, Munich, July 1984
"Studies of light Ra and Th nuclei", Institute of Physics
Nuclear Interactions Group, Liverpool, June 1985
"Reflection asymmetry in light Ra and Th nuclei", Yale
University, New Haven, July 1985
"Experiments in the light Ra and Th nuclei", High Spin
Workshop, Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research,
Oak Ridge, July 1985
"Study of Dy nuclei using heavy ion transfer reactions", High
Spin Workshop, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, May 1986
"Study of Dy nuclei using one neutron transfer reactions",
University of Munich, Garching, May 1986
"Study of Dy nuclei using one neutron transfer reactions",
Max-Planck-Institute, Heidelberg, May 1986
"Physics with heavy ions, transfer and superdeformation", KVI,
University of Groningen, Groningen, September 1986
"Physics with heavy ions, octupoles and superdeformation",
NIKHEF, Amsterdam, September 1986
"Evidence for pear-shaped nuclei", ILL, Grenoble, April 1987
"What is the evidence for reflection asymmetry in nuclear
shapes?", Manchester University, Manchester, May 1987
"Experimental facilities at Daresbury", University of Warsaw, Warsaw,
May 1987
"Experimental evidence for reflection asymmetry in nuclei",
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, May 1987
"Experimental evidence for reflection asymmetry in nuclei",
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kraków, May 1987
"Is there evidence for reflection asymmetry in the
actinides?", Yale University, New Haven, June 1987
"Is there experimental evidence for reflection asymmetry in
nuclei?", SUNY, Stony Brook, June 1987
"In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy with recoil detectors",
Daresbury Study Weekend, Daresbury, October 1987
"Survey of octupole correlations in nuclei", University of
Warsaw, Warsaw, May 1988
"Some systematics of octupole-sensitive nuclear transition
moments", Nuclear Structure Workshop, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, May
"Heavy ion transfer reactions as a probe for nuclear spectroscopy",
CRN Strasbourg, Strasbourg, October 1988
"Heavy ion transfer reactions: A probe of nuclear structure",
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, May 1989
"Pear shapes in nuclei", University of Surrey, Guildford, February
"New developments in UK/European nuclear structure physics",
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, June 1990
"E1 and E3 transitions: Indicators of octupole strengths", Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, August 1990
"Spectroscopy tools of the nineties: EUROGAM, SUSAN and the Exotic
Beam Facility", University of Birmingham, Birmingham, October 1990
"The shape of octupole nuclei deduced from Coulex
experiments", University of Warsaw, Warsaw, May 1991
"Nuclear pear shapes from Coulomb excitation", University of
Birmingham, Birmingham, October 1991
"Heavy Ion Transfer Reactions: Can They Populate Superdeformed States?", Max-Planck Institute,
Heidelberg, January 1992
"Heavy Ion Transfer Studies Using Detector Arrays", University
of Surrey, Guildford, February 1994
"Heavy Ion Transfer Studies Using Detector Arrays", University
of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, May 1994
"Probing the Shapes of Heavy Nuclei", University of Surrey, Guildford,
November 1995
"Electron and Gamma Spectroscopy of Heavy Nuclei", University
of Paris, Orsay, January 1996
"Experiments at Jyväskylä”, Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, March
"Shapes of heavy nuclei revealed using new techniques in electron
and gamma-ray spectroscopy" Ludwig-Maximilians-University and Technical
University, Munich, July 1996
"Shapes of heavy nuclei revealed using new techniques in electron
and gamma-ray spectroscopy" University of Bonn, Bonn, July 1996
"New spectroscopic techniques for the study of octupole and superdeformed heavy nuclei" University of Cologne, Cologne,
July 1996
"Spectroscopy of Octupole Nuclei Using Deep Inelastic
Reactions"; Nuclear Physics Study Weekend, Birmingham, October 1996
"How to Probe Shapes of Elusive, Heavy Nuclei", University of
Manchester, Manchester, November 1996
"Probing the Shapes of Elusive, Heavy Nuclei", University of
Oslo, Oslo, January 1997
"Intrinsic Reflection Asymmetry in Nuclei", University of
Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, September 1997
"Intrinsic Reflection Asymmetry in Nuclei", National
Accelerator Centre, Faure, January, 1998
"Evidence for Nuclear Pears", Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, September 1998
“Physics Evaluation Exercise 1998”, EPSRC community meeting, University
of Sheffield, Sheffield, April 1999
“Structure of Heavy Atomic Nuclei: Pear shapes and Superheavies”,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, May 1999
“Structure of Heavy Nuclei: Pear Shapes and Superheavies”,
University of Lund, Lund, May 1999
“Spectroscopy of Very heavy Nuclei”, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak
Ridge, January 2000
“Developments in electron spectroscopy”, Australian National University,
Canberra, February 2000
“Developments in electron spectroscopy”, National Accelerator Centre, Faure,
February 2000
“Spectroscopy of Very Heavy Nuclei”, GANIL, Caen, May 2000
“The European perspective”, Nuclear Physics
Community Meeting, Cosener’s House, Abingdon, May
“Future facilities for nuclear structure physics”, Nuclear Physics
Community Meeting, Cosener’s House, Abingdon, May
“The ISOLDE research
programme”, NuPECC meeting, Munich, June 2007
“The road to EURISOL -
the UK’s involvement in European ISOL facilities”, Nuclear Physics Community
Meeting, Cosener’s House, Abingdon, June 2009
“Radioactive Beams”, IoP Particle Accelerators & Beams Annual Meeting,
London, July 2009
“Atomic Nuclei Going
Pear-Shaped?”, MPI-KP, Heidelberg, December 2013
“Pear-shaped Nuclei”,
India-UK Seminar in Nuclear Physics at ISOLDE, Chandigarh, January 2014
“Physics Opportunities
at ISOLDE and the HIE-ISOLDE project”, India-UK Seminar in Nuclear Physics at
ISOLDE, Chandigarh, January 2014
“Atomic nuclei going pear-shaped” IoP NW Branch
talk, Liverpool, March 2014
“ISOL-SRS project”, Nuclear Physics Community Meeting, Cosener’s House, Abingdon, January 2015
“Atomic nuclei going pear-shaped” Fröhlich Lecture, Liverpool, February
“ISOL-SRS project”, Nuclear Physics Community Meeting, University of
Warwick, Coventry, January 2016
beam facilities and nuclear pear-shapes at ISOLDE”, European Spallation Source
seminar, University of Lund, Lund, June 2016
“Inelastic scattering
with ISS”, ISS Science Meeting, University of Manchester, Manchester, July 2017
Excitation of Pear-shaped Nuclei”, ISOLDE workshop, CERN, December 2018
“Measuring E3 matrix elements in pear-shaped
nuclei: Miniball or ISS?”, Workshop on Physics
between lead and uranium: in preparation of new experimental campaigns at ISOLDE,
Leuven, April 2019
“Studies of Pear-Shaped Nuclei”, Symposium in honour of Magne Guttormsen, Oslo, November 2022
“Atomic nuclei going pear-shaped”, University of Lund, Lund, May 2023