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Woods Saxon Cranking
There are a family of programs to calculate single-particle/quasiparticle
energies as a function of rotation, deformation (Nilsson diagram), etc...,
based on a universal, triaxial Woods-Saxon potential
The VAX sources were obtained from the Risø theory workshop (1992).
The Woods-Saxon programs (large FORTRAN codes) run on the Suns.
They are more temperamental on the Linux machines. Good luck!
The following
command files run several programs sequentially. Binary data files,
e.g.``swgamma.dat'', are used to pass information between the programs.
Readable files, e.g. ``swgamma.out'', are also produced containing lots
of information. All these files are large and should usually be deleted.
Graphical output
is produced in pssketch format files.
Slopes (alignment) and
curvatures ( contribution) of the routhians are also
pairing interaction can
be modelled is several ways.
e´ vs. omega (beta2, beta4, gamma)
e´ vs. omega (beta2, beta4, beta6)
e´ vs. omega (beta2, beta3, beta4)
E vs. omega (beta2, beta4, gamma)
E vs. omega (beta2, beta4, beta6)
E vs. beta2 (Nilsson diagram)
The Total Routhian Surface (TRS) codes also use a Woods-Saxon potential.
Modified Harmonic Oscillator Cranking
We also have the Cranked Shell Model (CSM) of Bengtsson, Frauendorf, and
Leander [3],
based on a modified oscillator potential
(, , ).
Everything you ever need to know can be found in
Ref. [4].
Several different , Nilsson parameter sets can be used
for the potential. This version originally came from
Stony Brook as a self-contained program.
This code is run by typing ``csm'' and answering the
questions, followed by ``csm2psk'' to convert the
to pssketch format. An example input
file is given below and discussed in more detail
Source codes
plotting program.
Experimental Alignments and Routhians
The program align can be used to
extract experimental quantities from level schemes which can be compared
to theory.
Ratios of reduced transition probabilities
ratios of reduced transition probabilities may be readily extracted
from experimental gamma-ray branching ratios of competing
=2 transitions within strongly coupled bands and are extremely useful in
assigning band configurations.
The program bm1be2 can be used to
calculate ratios of reduced transition probabilities for
multi-quasiparticle configurations.
Document Last Modified
e´ vs. omega (beta2, beta4, gamma)