Woods-Saxon Cranking [----]

Align Output [----]

              :-------------- "ALIGN" -------------:
              : A program to calculate alignments, :
              : routhians, and moments of inertia  :
              : from E2 or M1 transitions. Output  :
              : is to print and plot files.        :

 Input from file? (Y/N Def:Y)
 Enter filename of input data
 NUCLEUS: 133Pr yrast         
 K=  1.5  J0=  17.00  J1=   25.000  I0=  0.00

 EGAMMA I(i)-I(f)  OMEGA   IX    IAL   EPRIME   W*W   J(ONE)  HW(2)   J(TWO)

 0.3100  7.5- 5.5  0.151  6.84   4.18  -0.559 0.0229   45.19  0.000    0.00
 0.5520  9.5- 7.5  0.272  8.87   3.75  -1.042 0.0740   32.61  0.212   16.88
 0.7090 11.5- 9.5  0.351 10.90   3.84  -1.344 0.1233   31.03  0.312   25.60
 0.8140 13.5-11.5  0.404 12.91   4.39  -1.564 0.1634   31.94  0.378   37.97
 0.8640 15.5-13.5  0.430 14.92   5.63  -1.692 0.1847   34.72  0.417   78.71
 0.8660 17.5-15.5  0.431 16.93   7.60  -1.701 0.1860   39.26  0.431 1357.06
 0.8680 19.5-17.5  0.433 18.94   9.56  -1.713 0.1872   43.78  0.432 1501.58
 0.9220 21.5-19.5  0.460 20.95  10.70  -1.988 0.2114   45.55  0.446   73.80
 0.9910 23.5-21.5  0.494 22.95  11.52  -2.373 0.2445   46.42  0.477   57.90
 1.0370 25.5-23.5  0.518 24.95  12.69  -2.653 0.2679   48.22  0.506   86.67
 1.0800 27.5-25.5  0.539 26.96  13.87  -2.940 0.2907   50.00  0.528   92.74
 1.1420 29.5-27.5  0.570 28.96  14.63  -3.383 0.3252   50.79  0.555   64.46
 1.2190 31.5-29.5  0.609 30.96  14.97  -3.954 0.3706   50.86  0.590   51.95
 1.2990 33.5-31.5  0.649 32.97  15.11  -4.557 0.4210   50.81  0.629   50.00
 1.3510 35.5-33.5  0.675 34.97  15.81  -4.960 0.4555   51.81  0.662   76.85

 Output to print file? (Def:N)
 Output to plot file? (Def:N)
 Run with different parameters? (Def:N)
 Extract I by fitting J^2? (Def:N)
 Rigid-rotor plot of E vs. I ? (Def:N)
 Run with different data? (Def:N)


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