Woods-Saxon Cranking [----]

Input Cards [----]

Here is an explanation of the input file.

Nucleus name for labelling purposes.
Mass number and atomic number.
Calculation for ``PROTONS'' or ``NEUTRONS''.
Lower and upper oscillator (N) shells for calculation.
Calculation formed as a function of ``OMEGA'', ``EPS2'', ``EPS4'', ``GAMMA'', ``DELTA'', or ``LAMBDA''.
Number of points of variable to calculate (Max 25).
If ``OLD'', mass-dependent - Nilsson parameters are used; should not be used for A less than 100. If ``STANDARD'', the Nilsson parameters of Bengtsson and Ragnarsson [1] are used which are different for each N shell. If ``FITTED'', the latest parameters are used. These are an extension of the standard parameters with new values for the proton N=4-6 shells (Zhang et al, [2]), i.e. appropriate for nuclei in the cerium region (A=120-140).
Deformation parameters , , and . If one of these is the variable, the LOWER limit is given.
If set to ``MEV'' the energy units for the input file are given in MeV. If set to ``OSC'' the input energy units are taken as the oscillator quantum () including an isospin dependence.
Rotational frequency (), pairing strength (), and chemical potential () expressed in the appropriate units (``MEV'' or ``OSC''). Again, if one of these is the variable, the LOWER limit should be given.
The UPPER limit for the appropriate variable.
The number of particles outside the core (oscillator magic numbers! - 20, 40, 70 etc - the core consists of the shells below NL). If set to zero, the Fermi level is fixed at the input value of RLL and the relevant particle number calculated (does not have to be integral!). If non-zero, the Fermi level is adjusted to produce the specified particle number (core + RNN). Note that in the latter case, the input value for RLL is taken as a starting value and is then varied for each point in the calculation. If RLL is too far from the true value, the program may get into difficulties.



R. Bengtsson and I. Ragnarsson, Nucl. Phys. A436, 14 (1985).

J.-y. Zhang et al., Phys. Rev. C 39, 714 (1989); Phys. Rev. C 42, 1394 (1990).


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