Activating scheduler window logging
If using xterm (the default scheduler window) then logging can be
turned on by
CTRL left mouse click and choosing "Log to File"
The file will be created in /tmp/tclxxxxx
where tclxxxxx is the current temporary directory created by tcl/tk
If debugging is also turned on in the Input and/or Event setup windows
then it could produce a large file. Use with care.
Using gdb
Version 4 of MTsort now allows a debugger to be attached to the Event
At the point the Scheduler task window says
"MTsort processes ready for Use",
or preferably, selecting Pause before each event prior to Going
and Resume when the debugger is attached ...
find the running MTsortEvent task...
ps ax | grep MT
Remember the process id (pid) of the MTsortEvent task, for use with the attach subcommand of gdb.
gdb /MIDAS/MTsort/bin_Linux/MTsortEvent
If the message "Resource Unavailable" appears in the Scheduler window
I am afraid you will have to just try again until it works OK.
Note: Before exiting the sort progem, make sure the task is detached
from gdb ...
(gdb) detach
(gdb) quit
(gdb) attach pid
(gdb) directory /home/
(gdb) continue
Not all variables will be visible from the symbol table.
Maintained by Janet Sampson and John Cresswell (University of Liverpool)
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