INC | increments a spectrum |
DEC | decrements a spectrum |
SET | assigns a value to a spectrum channel |
INCBITS | increments the bit pattern of an expression into a 1D-spectrum |
CREATELIST | defines a parameter-list of parameters from the event |
EXTRACT | obtains subsets of valid parameters from a defined parameter-list |
LOOPEXTRACT | obtains subsets of valid parameters from a defined parameter-list |
IF | conditional execution of sort commands |
LOOPIF | conditional execution of sort commands in parameter-list environment |
SELECT | allows correlation of sort commands with parameter values |
GOTO | jump forward to a specified label |
LABEL | define a label to jump to |
INVALIDATE | allows a group to be removed from the event |
GROUPFILTER | allows groups to be removed from the event |
ORDER | orders a list of sortwords according to their value |
GAIN | adjusts the gain of a sortword using a quadratic |
ROUTINE | starts a subroutine-like section |
CALL | execute the set of commands in a ROUTINE |
EXEC | execute an external sort function |
DOLOOP | allows looping over several commands |
OUTPUT | outputs a list of sortwords or a complete event |
ENDEVENT | terminates event processing |
END | ends event processing, or returns from called ROUTINE |
PAUSE | pauses event processing |
x=expr | arithmetic operations, assign expression to sortword/spectrum x |
A particular sort command may be used as many times as necessary subject to any system-dependent limit on resultant program size. Any sortword generated by a command may be used as input to any succeeding command.
The IF...ELSE, LOOPIF...LOOPFAIL and IF...GOTO label block structures should normally be used to define the processing flow.