*RUNFILES (offline analysis only)

Statements in this section allow input tape or disc files to be specified.

file-pattern may consist of the wildcard characters ``*'' to match any character combination and ``?'' to match a single wildcard character,

e.g. CAL* to sort any filename beginning with the letters ``CAL'', RUN2? to sort any filename beginning with the characters ``RUN2'' and followed by one further character.

A large subset of the characters defined in the ANSI tape standard X3.27-1987 are recognised:

alphanumeric (A to Z, 0 to 9)

and the following non-alphanumeric characters:

 " % & ' ( ) + - . / : ; < = > \ _

Names must start with an alphanumeric character.

The volume name is contained in a field 6 characters long and the file name contained in 17 characters. For non-ANSI format tapes, e.g. ones with no file headers, filenames of RUNxx should be used where xx denotes the file number on tape. For unlabelled tapes, the same convention using TAPExx should be used to distinguish between different volumes.


SN001 RUN01
SN002 RUN02-RUN04, RUN06-RUN15, RUN17, *
SN003 RUN21 5000 9999999
SN003 RUN22
SN003 RUN23
SN004 *

In this example the whole of file RUN01 on tape SN001 would be sorted, followed by files RUN02 up to RUN04, RUN06 up to RUN15, and RUN17 onwards on tape SN002. Any files not included in the specified ranges, e.g. RUN05, are omitted. File RUN21 on tape SN003 is sorted from block 5000 onwards, followed by files RUN22 and RUN23 and the whole of tape SN004.

Disc files may be specified as follows:

file-pattern may consist of the wildcard characters ``*'' to match any character combination and ``?'' to match a single wildcard character, in the same way as for tapes above. If a full disc-file pathname is given, then wild-card characters may only appear in the file-name, and not in the directory name(s).


DISC /disc1/calib/eu152/run1
DISC /disc1/calib/eu152/run3 1 100
DISC /disc1/calib/eu152/run2*