Set the Input handler to the required data source.
e.g. set it to EurogamOnlineTS to spy on online Eurogam data
via the Tape Server.
Set it to e.g. EurogamTape to replay data, etc.
Ensure that the Input handler runfiles list is valid.
Set the Output handler to the required data destination.
The default of Null indicates that no data blocks are output.
Set it to EurogamTape to write output data blocks to tape(s).
Set it to EurogamDisc to write output data blocks to disc file(s).
Note that no data will be written to the Output handler unless
output statements have been compiled into the sort program.
(except see Pass Through option below).
Ensure that the Output handler runfiles list is valid.
Set the spectrum path (full path name) to where the spectra are to be created.
Toggle the Delete/Recreate spectra button to desired mode.
If this button is un-checked (no tick) then existing spectra will be
used if possible and added to if necessary.
Click on go. At this point spectra are created or re-allocated.
There are many useful messages in the Scheduler window that will
any problems as they occur.
Such problems include: invalid tape volume name, file name, read errors,
tape write-protected if output etc ...
If problems occur Stop, correct problem and Go.
Spectra should now be viewable by clicking on Display spectra
which presents the Sort spectrum browser.
If there are no counts in any spectra, click on the Statistics
button to see if any data blocks have been sorted.
If so you may have a fault in your sort file.
For example, you may be updating the spectrum after a gate condition
that is never satisfied.
If no data blocks have been sorted, look in the Input handler window.
A Statistics window appears with a Left-Button click or
a statistics line will appear in the footer with a Right-Button click on the
Statistics button.
Whilst in the Sort Run window and STOPPED, the user may change ...
The runfile list may be checked after both the handler and new sort program have been chosen.
The Sort Run window is re-enterable if, for example, it crashes. Re-entry will re-connect to the existing Scheduler window.
This option enables a straight copy of data blocks between the event
handler and the output handler bypassing the event-by-event code.
The data blocks will be copied to all output streams that are enabled.
In this mode, the *COMMANDS section is not executed.
Note: Data blocks will have been processed by the current Input Handler into Eurogam format.
This is a useful feature, for copying data from Tape to Disc file.
The sort input and event handler output varying amounts of messages if the message level is set from the Debug menu in the appropriate window.
The formatting of events from the input handlers can be checked by
clicking on one of the options in the Print Block menu.
Output can be either hexadecimal dump or formatted text dump.
The button labelled Variables gains access to a window displaying the current values of sortwords.