Further information may be obtained from the Gammasphere event format web page.
This is the standard handler for Gammasphere experiments at Berkeley.
The event header is output as a 9 word group as follows ...
header[255] (cleange,dirtyge_bgoonly,ttH,ttM,ttL,tac1,tac2,gelowsum,bgolowsum)
The GE and BGO detectors are output as N-parameter groups,
where the number of words in the following list is dependent on the value of "modeflags" ...
ge[1:110] (hit_pattern,ge_high,ge_side,ge_time,ge_trap,ge_low,bgo_time,bgo_low)
The (optional) microball detectors are output as N-parameter groups as follows ...
mball[111:210] (hit_pattern,gehigh,geside,getime)
The (optional) neutron detectors are output as N-parameter groups as follows ...
nwall[211:254] (hit_pattern,gehigh,geside,getime,getrap)
The event header is output as a 6 word group as follows ...
header[255] (usec1,usec2,usec3,ge_low,bgo_low) ge[1:110] (hpid,gehigh,getime,getrap,gelow,geside,bgo_time,bgo_low)
ge[1:110] (energy,time)
======================================================================= Gammasphere + Microball + Neutron Detectors: Prescanned Tape format ======================================================================= FFFF event separator ======================================================================= 1st word: NNNN NNNN ---- ---- Run number ---- ---- NNNN NNNN Number of words in this event 2nd word: NNNN NNNN ---- ---- Clean Ge fold BEFORE tests ---- ---- NNNN NNNN Clean Ge fold AFTER tests 3rd word: NNNN NNNN ---- ---- dirty Ge fold ---- ---- NNNN NNNN clean BGO fold 4th word: NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN Lowres sum energy 5th word: NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN BGO sum energy 6th word: NNNN ---- ---- ---- Number of protons in event (15 max) ---- NNNN ---- ---- Number of alphas in event (15 max) ---- ---- NNNN ---- Number of discriminated neutrons in event ---- ---- ---- NNNN Number of Raw neutrons in event, ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th word: NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN gamma detector number (Devlin convention) 8th word: NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN gamma energy, 1/3 keV/channel 9th word: NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN side channel repeat words 6 and 7 "Clean Ge fold AFTER tests" times now comes particle information...protons first ----------------------------------------------------------------------- nth word: NNNN NNN- ---- ---- proton detector number (note 7 bits) ---- ---N NNNN NNNN proton energy, centre of mass, at 0.25 MeV/channel (note 9 bits) (n+1)th: NNNN NNNN ---- ---- centre of mass theta for proton ---- ---- NNNN NNNN jacobian for proton repeat the above two words for each proton in event mth word: NNNN NNN- ---- ---- alpha detector number (note 7 bits) ---- ---N NNNN NNNN alpha energy, centre of mass, at 0.25 MeV/channel (note 9 bits) (m+1)th: NNNN NNNN ---- ---- centre of mass theta for alpha ---- ---- NNNN NNNN jacobian for alpha repeat the above two words for each alpha in event ----------------------------------------------------------------------- now comes neutron information... discriminated neutrons first pth: ---- ---- ---- NNNN ID number of 1st discriminated neutron ---- ---- NNNN ---- ID number of 2nd discriminated neutron ---- NNNN ---- ---- ID number of 3rd discriminated neutron NNNN ---- ---- ---- ID number of 4th discriminated neutron raw neutrons next (p+1)th: NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN ID Number for raw neutron (p+2)th: NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN E1 Number for raw neutron (p+3)th: NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN E2 Number for raw neutron (p+4)th: NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN T1 Number for raw neutron (p+5)th: NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN T2 Number for raw neutron ======================================================================= FFFF event separator =======================================================================
This is mapped onto the following format statements ...
======================================================================= Trigger words: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gebefore = clean Ge fold before tests (TAC pu etc) cleange = clean Ge fold after tests dirtyge = dirty Ge fold cleanbgo = BGO fold (=k) gsum = sum of ge low resolution energies (H sum energy +) bgosum = sum of bgo low resolution energies (+ H sum energy) protons = number of protons alphas = nuimber of alphas discs = number of discriminated neutrons neuts = number of raw neutrons discids = contains ID's of discriminated neutrons =======================================================================trigger[255] (gebefore,cleange,dirtyge,cleanbgo,gesum,bgosum,protons,alphas,discs,neuts,discids)
======================================================================= Germanium words: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- segcode = Ge ID code (see Devlin convention below) gehigh = high resolution gamma energy geside = side channel energy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DETECTOR NUMBERS (Devlin convention) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Side channel determinations have been placed on the output tapes. Detector numbers have been written to reflect the side channel as follows (where nnn = Ge ID): -1nnn: unsegmented detector (no correction: adjust angle by 0) -2nnn: center (no correction: adjust angle by 0) -3nnn: high ratio of detector divided into thirds (adjust angle by +2.9) -4nnn: low ratio of detector divided into thirds (adjust angle by -2.9) -5nnn: high ratio of detector divided into halves (adjust angle by +2.4) -6nnn: low ratio of detector divided into halves (adjust angle by -2.4) In general -Xnnn .... X is the segcode =======================================================================ge[1:110] (segcode,gehigh,geside)
======================================================================= Microball format: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- pora = Proton/Alpha flag (0/1) energy = Particle Energy (bits 1-9) jack = Particle jacobian (bits 1-8) Centre of mass theta (bits 9-16) =======================================================================uball[111:206] (pora,energy,jack)
======================================================================= Neutron detector format: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- promptE = neutron prompt energy delayE = neutron delayed energy rawT = raw time of flight cleanT = clean time of flight =======================================================================neutron[211:225] (promptE,delayE,rawT,cleanT)