The current handler accepts the following Gasp format ...
The event data is 16bit aligned, starting with a word 0xfnnn, where nnn is the number of event words.
Initial sequence of ...
(label, tag, bgo_esum, bgo_mult, camel1, camel2, camel3, camel4, camel5, ge_count, ge_start, ib_count, ib_start)
All data words are output in Eurogam group format, with Ge group number equal to ge_id.
Hence an input format statement could look like ...
header[255] (label, tag, bgo_esum, bgo_mult, ge_count, ge_start, ib_count, ib_start) camel[254] (p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) ge[1:ge_count] (e,t) ib[101:ib_count+100] (e,t)
The latest GASP data format is the same as Euroball, but using the raw tape format. The GaspTapeEuroball handler should be used, but using a different set of detector family definitions compared with Euroball.
Note the family numbers and Number of ADCS in each family are critical
The MaxDetectors field should be large enough to cope with
all the detectors of that family type.
The group allocation should be unique. The MaxDetectors value should
be added to the base group number, to find the next available group
number to allocate to another detector family.
The following may be used as an initial guide for the file in the sort directory ...
machine localhost #FAMILY_NUMBER NAME MAXDETECTORS BASEGROUP NUMADCS AUXGROUP NUMADCS 11 header 1 255 4 0 0 12 ge 40 1 2 0 0 13 isis 40 41 4 0 0 14 neutron 6 50 3 0 0
All tape records are 32768 bytes in length.
Each tape file consists of one of more header records containing,
amongst other items, the run number.
Followed by data records with a 32 byte header.
The runfile details to be provided for the input handler for tape sorts should be of the form ...
TAPE1 RUN3 TAPE1 RUN4 TAPE2 RUN5 etc.The first word on each line (tape name field) is only checked to see if it changes, to force the program to unload the current tape, and allow the user to load the next tape.