The other type of gamma-ray detector is
a scintillation detector. In a semiconductor detector electron-hole pairs are collected by
applying a voltage. In a scintillation detector the collection process
is different.
When a gamma-ray photon deposits its energy in a luminescent
material (scintillator), it causes electrons to be excited to higher
energy levels in the material.
In some cases the energy given to the electron is not sufficient to
raise it to the conduction band and the electron and hole can remain
electrostatically attracted to each other in an entity called an exciton.
These excited electrons may decay by emitting electromagnetic radiation.
If this radiation is in the optical wavelength range it can be detected
by a photomultiplier tube where it generates an electrical signal.
Use the simulation opposite to demonstrate this.
See here for scintillator materials used for
gamma-ray detection...